Today, Glenn Beck revealed that he has converted his radio studio into a full-scale replica of the Oval Office and will now be broadcasting his daily radio program from this room:
Why Beck spent who knows how much money constructing an Oval Office replica to be used for a radio broadcast is anybody’s guess, not to mention how much it’ll cost to ship it all to Jerusalem so Beck can continue to broadcast once America collapses.
And while he may have a fancy new set, not much else about the program has changed, as it still features Beck begging voters in Iowa not to vote for Donald Trump and to heed his warning “because I have not gotten the big things wrong.”
“I beg you,” Beck said. “If you have ever listened to me and you have heard 1999/Osama bin Laden, the banking crash of ’08, the caliphate, and those are just the big ones.”
Beck admitted that while he may have been wrong about a few small things here and there, “I’ve not gotten the ones wrong where I said, ‘I’ll fall on my sword,’ have I? Where I said, “Listen guys, I know this one to be true.'”
“I have not gotten the big things wrong,” Beck insisted, claiming that he foresaw 9/11, the 2008 economic collapse and, falsely, the rise of the caliphate in the Mideast. This, of course, conveniently brushes aside all of the things he has demonstrably gotten wrong as meaningless and unimportant, especially in comparison to the few “big things” that he supposedly got right.
Nevertheless, Beck insisted that his warning about Trump is one of those “big things” and therefore is something that should be heeded.
“If you have ever, ever taken to heart what I am saying,” Beck told voters in Iowa, “please, please do not vote for Donald Trump. Please! … This guy is a very dangerous guy.”
Iowans should not vote for Trump, he continued, especially considering that they have an opportunity to vote for Ted Cruz.
“This is the guy,” Beck said. “I’ve never felt this way. I’ve never endorsed anybody. Ever! This is the guy. I truly believe he was raise for this time!”