Harvey Warns That Anti-Bullying Programs Will Turn Schools Into “Indoctrination Camps”

Linda Harvey of Mission America is urging voters to oppose the Safe Schools Improvement Act and the Student Nondiscrimination Act, warning that such anti-bullying legislation is “using bullying prevention as a tool to force approval of homosexuality and gender bending on children, teachers and families.” On her radio show on Thursday, Harvey urged members of her Ohio-based group to contact Senators Sherrod Brown and Rob Portman to oppose what she called the “promotion of these lifestyle’s to kids brought into schools in the Trojan Horse of anti-bullying programs.” She went on to say that schools will be turned “into indoctrination camps” in order “to fulfill the fondest wishes of those who want traditional morality to disappear” if the safe school legislation passes.

Harvey’s remedy for bullied LGBT youth is to make sure that “every child” learns about the “very well-traveled path out of homosexuality.” Far from the only Religious Right activist to staunchly oppose anti-bullying efforts, Harvey has previously warned that such policies are “destructive” and that gays are their own bullies.

Harvey: As we’ve found out time and again, so-called conservative, pro-life politicians are sometimes wrongly persuaded that homosexuality is a worthy lifestyle and cause. This amounts to promotion of these lifestyle’s to kids brought into schools in the Trojan Horse of anti-bullying programs. We already have these programs in many schools, but federal involvement adds a troubling new dimension. If these amendments pass, they do nothing to protect kids that isn’t already available at the local level. The only thing they will do is threaten local school districts with a cutoff of federal funds if the schools aren’t turned into indoctrination camps where conservative viewpoints are systematically silenced all to fulfill the fondest wishes of those who want traditional morality to disappear.

Special rights for homosexual behavior are not needed. This makes me very sad for every child in our schools who will be subjected to this deception. There is a very well-traveled path out of homosexuality that every child deserves to hear about. But no, this will become like California in every state, a bigoted mandate to force everyone to accept and approve of homosexuality. Please call our Ohio senators, Rob Portman and Sherrod Brown, tell them in that in the upcoming, big education bill, we don’t want the federal government using bullying prevention as a tool to force approval of homosexuality and gender bending on children, teachers and families.