Mission America’s Linda Harvey today hailed a recent claim by the National Organization for Marriage that companies which endorse gay rights and marriage equality are suffering among consumers. Seeing that NOM believes that their 48,000-person boycott of Starbucks over its endorsement of Washington’s same-sex marriage law cost the company $10 billion, it is hard to take the group’s new assertion seriously. Harvey told listeners that her family is boycotting countless companies over their views on gay rights and suggested that as a result they “may be seeing a downturn in sales,” leading to “layoffs and lost jobs.” She even maintained that Obama’s endorsement of marriage equality “is very unpopular,” even though according to a USA Today/Gallup poll a majority of Americans “approve of Obama’s new position on same-sex marriage.” After a discussion of Hobby Lobby’s lawsuit against the contraception mandate, Harvey warned that we are witnessing the “rotten fruit of ungodly values” and that “these radical values cost not just jobs, but lives.”
The National Organization for Marriage just released a very interesting report about the companies that support homosexuality as marriage; they are paying a price, literally, and of course, when a company doesn’t do well that means jobs in America are lost. Here are the specifics: the marriage group quoted an article in Forbes which tried to soften the reality of their findings but the truth is companies that support same-sex marriage lose positive band perception among both Democrats and Republicans. This reputation-loss is more pronounced among Republicans but the consumer distaste goes across party lines. The brands that were studied included Amazon.com, American Apparel, Apple, General Mills Brands, Google, Home Depot, JC Penney, Levi’s, Macy’s, Microsoft, Nabisco, Nike and Starbucks. I don’t know about you but in our house of those mentioned above we no longer patronize Macy’s, Home Depot or JC Penney, we no longer order from Amazon and we no longer buy any General Mills cereals. Some of these companies may be seeing a downturn in sales, when that continues it can lead to layoffs and lost jobs.
This, friends, is the rotten fruit of ungodly values. Obama’s open support for homosexuality as marriage is very unpopular once the truth is known; the same is true of his new contraceptive mandate. Again, as this election campaign unfolds I am reminded of the Scripture verse that has been on our homepage at Mission America since 1995, it’s Hosea 4:6, my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Suppressing the truth will be our undoing on so many levels, friends, but the good news is that many Americans are not so easily fooled. These radical values cost not just jobs, but lives. I urge you to support companies that support Christian moral values and avoid those that don’t, and help to spread the word far and wide.