Hagee: Harry Potter, Secular Humanism Ruining America

John Hagee recently aired a special Faith Under Fire in which he lashed out at the forces of evil that he says are leading to America’s demise. According to Hagee, secular humanism has become the pagan religion that is dominating the country, and is responsible for societal ills such as rape, spousal abuse, drugs, divorce and crime. He went on to say that the books “Harry Potter” and “Heather Has Two Mommies,” along with abortion, are corrupting America’s children.


Secular humanism is a pagan god and America is bowing at the shrine. It has filled our drug rehab centers, it has filled the divorce courts, it has filled the shelter for battered wives, it has filled the rape crisis centers, it has filled the mental hospitals and single bars, it has filled the penitentiaries and the roster guests for the brain-dead television shows you see from New York. Think about that, we’re in a moral free fall where your children can be taught witchcraft by Harry Potter; that Heather has two mommies; you can substitute Christmas for a midwinter holiday, call it anything you want to but don’t call it Christmas, kick God out of the Christmas event; you can let your daughter go to school and she can get an abortion without your permission or without your knowledge but she cannot get an aspirin without your knowledge. Something is dreadfully wrong when you as the parent cannot control the destiny of your own child. America has turned its back from the God of the Bible and it is time for the church of Jesus Christ to stand up and speak up and say we have a right to the destiny of our own children!