On a recent episode of his “Pray In Jesus Name” program, Religious Right activist Gordon Klingenschmit said that Christian business owners are being forced to participate in a “perverted threesome” by not being allowed to discriminate against LGBTQ customers in the name of religious freedom.
Discussing a court ruling that a Christian bakery owner in California did not discriminate against a lesbian couple by refusing to make a cake for their wedding, Klingenschmitt said the case proves that LGBTQ activists are “not content that they have somehow overturned the will of the voters twice in California who said marriage is between one man and one woman, not content that they can go to any county clerk in America—even in Alabama—and get a marriage certificate for their act of sodomy, not content that the government endorses their sin, now they have got to make Christians endorse their sin.”
“This lesbian couple, like so many other activists, they are not content to have their sin in private, they have got to flaunt it in public,” Klingenschmit complained. “And not just in any public, they have got to come into the Christian business owner’s place of business and force them to join in a sort of perverted threesome … Those demonic purveyors of sodomy are trying to force Christians to participate and in them is the spirit of persecution.”