On his “Pray In Jesus Name” program today, Colorado state Rep. Gordon Klingenschmitt responded to Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” comment by declaring that she is un-Christian and possessed by a “demonic, evil spirit of hatred.”
“She’s talking about you, the viewer of this program,” Klingenschmitt declared. “If you believe the Bible, Hillary deplores you! Now, those are just the facts; let’s discern the spirits, let’s take a moment and say what is it inside of Hillary that makes her deplore us? She’s labeling an entire category of people as we’re deplorable, does that mean she deplores us? Does that say something about what’s inside of her, not what’s inside of us?”
“What is inside of her but the spirit of hatred?” he continued. “This demonic, evil spirit of hatred and deploring is not inside of us, it’s inside of her toward us. And her behavior, her hatred makes her a very hateful woman, a very deploring woman. Do you see it inside of her? Can you look inside of her and say, ‘That must be a Christian woman who loves Jesus, who loves the Bible and even loves her enemies’? … No, she deplores us. By her own confession now, she is manifesting the spirit of hatred and that makes her anti-Christian.”
Klingenschmitt closed out the segment by praying that God will deliver Clinton “from this demonic spirit of hatred.”