Gohmert Accuses Obama of Stabbing Israel in the Back

Rep. Louie Gohmert was the guest on yesterday’s episode of “WallBuilders Live” for a discussion on “the present administration’s attitude towards our Israeli allies.”

During the interview, Gohmert repeatedly accused President Obama of undermining Israel while aiding and abetting Israel’s enemies and said that if Obama promises that he has your back, you had better “be wearing something that will stop a knife”: 

We’ve learned over the last few years how to interpret what the President is saying. So now when he says, in the last couple of weeks, “I have Israel’s back,” what that means is he’s going to watch over the shoulder of Israel as they play their cards and telegraph to Israel’s opponents everything that Israel has in their hand … Well, you do that not to a friend; you do that to someone you are betraying. So, I tell you when this president says “hey, I’ve got your back,” I know I need to be wearing something that will stop a knife.