Glenn Beck’s Prophetic Burden: ‘I Don’t Want To Be This Guy’

With every passing week, Glenn Beck is more and more convinced that we are on the verge of World War III and that he is the only one who realizes it and so he is spending program after program laying out his prophetic vision about how Russia and ISIS are going to drag the world into a wholesale religious conflagration. 

The details of Beck’s theory are too confusing to even bother trying to explain but, in short, he is convinced that ISIS is set on taking over all of Europe, which will allow Vladimir Putin to stir up dormant Christian nationalism that he has planted in Russia and neighboring nations which will allow him to foment resistance and ultimately push ISIS out, thereby guaranteeing Russia’s fascist control over the entire region.

After Beck spent an entire segment scrawling an incoherent map on his chalkboard to demonstrate how this will all play out, co-host Stu Burguiere helpfully summed up Beck’s convoluted theory as “Russia versus the Caliphate trying to divide up Europe,” which prompted Beck to predict that in this coming conflict, the West will side with Russia and fascism.

“You watch. That’s what’s coming,” Beck said. “That’s what’s coming.”

Beck then sat back down at his desk and started once again complaining that he doesn’t “want to be this guy” who spends all of this time laying out dire scenarios on his chalkboard, but that is what God has called him to do and so he will continue doing it “because there’s nobody else that sees the world the way I see it.”

“I don’t want to be this guy,” he said. “I’m tired of this. I can’t tell you how much I want to get away from the damn chalkboard and I don’t want to be the guy telling you the bad news. But it’s part of my job and it’s part of my calling and so I will do it.”

If you don’t want to buy into Beck’s warnings, he said, you are free to ignore him but “there’s no reason to call me a kook or anything else.”

“I don’t want to be this guy,” he said, before urging listeners to tune in to this television show tonight where he will lay all of this out in greater detail … on his chalkboard:

Tags: Glenn Beck