As we noted yesterday, Glenn Beck is doing his best to address the current controversy over David Barton’s shoddy scholarship by pretending to be searching for the truth while simultaneously doing all he can defend his close friend’s reputation.
Thus, Beck’ The Blaze ran a long piece that purported to independently examine the claims made by Barton along with the criticism of those claims and which found that, in every instance, the claims made by Barton were inaccurate, at best. But The Blaze simply could not bring itself to actually acknowledge Barton’s untruths and instead bent over backwards to avoid reaching any conclusions.
Last night, Beck dedicated his entire program to “clearing the air” on the controversy … by letting Barton make his case, unchallenged, for an entire hour.
Just how hard-hitting was this interview that Beck conducted with Barton? Why don’t you take a look at these excepts we grabbed from Beck’s ten minute opening monologue where he positively gushed about Barton while casting aspersions on this “campaign against one of America’s most respected people” and just take a guess:
Beck says that he has never seen Barton “insist that he is right when the facts demonstrate otherwise,” but we are assuming that that is because Beck never actually asks Barton to show him where the Constitution directly quotes the Bible “verbatim”: