Glenn Beck’s Final Warning: Listen To Me Or America Is Doomed

On his radio show yesterday, Glenn Beck begged his listeners to tune in for his television program later in the day because he had an extremely important message to deliver, warning that if this one is ignored, America will cease to exist.

Last night on the show, Beck hauled out his trusty chalkboard so that he could recount how he has been right about every major development in the world over the last decade, claiming to have accurately warned about everything from 9/11 to the economic collapse of 2008 to the current border crisis, saying that he was mocked and ridiculed every time, only for all of these things to eventually come true.

“All of these things have happened now,” Beck said, pointing to the timeline written on the chalkboard. “All of these things were insane to say at the time.”

And now, because the world has not heeded all of Beck’s previous warnings, time has finally run out and “we’re at the end of the highway, this is it, this is it.”

The only answer, of course, is love.

Living by “Gospel principles” is the only thing that can save this nation now, Beck proclaimed. “Live like Jesus”:

Tags: Glenn Beck