Glenn Beck’s $10 Million Refugee Effort Aims To Save Only Christians

In conjunction with his “Never Again Is Now/Restoring Unity” rally in Birmingham, Alabama, last month, Glenn Beck announced the creation of something called “The Nazarene Fund,” through which he is seeking to raise $10 million dollars to help relocate refugees who are fleeing the chaos and violence in places like Iraq and Syria.

With that money, Beck hopes to be able to save more than 2,000 refugees, which he repeatedly points out is more than the number of Jews that Oskar Schindler saved during World War II, and is even vowing to personally lead some of these refugees into the United States by marching them across the southern border, even if doing so lands him in jail.

Of course, as the name suggests, this effort is aimed only at saving Christians because, as Beck emphasized several times during his radio program today, he has no way to tell “which is the good Muslim and which is the bad Muslim.”

“There is no differentiation between them that we can actually tell,” Beck explained. “I wish we could take the Muslims who have been marked for death because they will not play the game of ISIS, but I don’t know whose side you’re on because you have not stood up en masse and differentiated yourself. So I can’t figure that one out, that’s beyond me to figure out. So I can try to help those we can figure out … The right thing is to save people’s lives, especially those who you know are not here to kill us, not here to convert us or behead us. Again, I wish I could say this about others, but the only ones I know for sure don’t want to convert or kill us are those Christians in the Middle East who have been marked for death.”

Tags: Glenn Beck