Glenn Beck: We Are The New Pilgrims!

Last night, Glenn Beck told his studio audience that the likely general election matchup between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton proves that the progressive movement has taken over the country, alleging that Trump and Clinton are both progressives who don’t intend to preserve constitutional values.

“The America that we know is now officially over,” he said. “The fundamental transformation has happened. The America that was the constitutional, Founding Fathers’ America doesn’t exist anymore. That doesn’t mean America’s not going to go on, it just doesn’t exist. Our new founders are Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Eugene Debs, Margaret Sanger, it is the progressives that have founded and it has taken them 100 years to get it to happen but they have slowly done it and we’re here now.”

He asked audience members if they would leave the U.S. and move to a new land if they could “practice your religion and live your Constitution in peace.” Most, including Beck, said they would go. “And we can take Ted Cruz as our new leader,” Beck added.

However, Beck lamented that this colonial experiment with Cruz will not occur because “there’s no place that we can go now.” “We’re out of land.”

He urged viewers to “think of ourselves as Pilgrims” who, despite the travails and hardships, will train their children and grandchildren in the proper values and traditions in hopes that they will one day reclaim America.

The best way to rear children in conservative principles, Beck said, is by withdrawing them from public schools and getting them “out of that indoctrination and that brainwashing as fast as you possibly could.” He suggested that parents instead homeschool their kids with lesson plans provided by Liberty University.

Of course, Liberty University also seems to be compromised by what Beck sees as the progressive movement, as its president, Jerry Falwell Jr., has very vocally endorsed Trump.

Tags: Glenn Beck