Though he has not seen the film yet, Glenn Beck is not a fan of the new “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” movie because Batman and Superman are heroes who would never fight each other.
“The reason why these morality plays [i.e, superhero movies] are winning right now at the box office is because they are morality plays,” Beck said, “good winning over evil, the unity of the principles of America: truth, justice and the American way.”
“When Batman starts to fight Superman and Captain America starts going against Iron Man, these things are going to fall apart,” he warned. “They are taking 2016 values and superimposing them on 1940s values and it’s going to destroy these franchises. They’ve got to stop.”
People want to see movies in which good conquers evil, Beck explained, not movies in which the good guys are turned into bad guys.
“We have no heroes any more,” he complained. “Why does Hollywood want to take our heroes and destroy them? They’ve already done all of the real heroes, they’ve destroyed those guys; now they’re going to go and take on our Superman and our Batman. They’re going to destroy it … The people in Hollywood do not understand America at all. At all.”
The reason Superman and Batman are fighting in this new film, Beck concluded, is in order to “reflect the turmoil that is happening here in our country, people fighting and the division between us.”