Glenn Beck: Bill Cosby Was Destroyed Because He Spoke Out Against The Democratic Party

On his radio show yesterday, Glenn Beck continued to complain that America has become so polarized that people are being ruthlessly attacked by their own side for daring to disagree with the party line on any issue … which is, he said, exactly what happened to Bill Cosby.

“Consitutionalists [within the GOP] are now the black population for the Democrats,” Beck said, insisting that African Americans who refuse to support the Democratic Party or its agenda are targeted for destruction and now the same thing is happening to “constitutionalists” within the Republican Party.

“I contend Bill Cosby would have gotten away with everything that he did his whole life had he not rocked the boat at the end and started talking about his community and saying, ‘We’ve got to look at our own community,'” Beck said. “Basically, what was he saying? The same things the Democrats don’t want to say about the family, the same things that they don’t want to say about Detroit; that the things that we’ve been doing and are being told to ignore are the problem.”

“You can’t have anybody think, you’ve got to shout them down,” Beck said.


Tags: Glenn Beck