Glenn Beck spent the first hour of his radio broadcast today issuing yet another dire prophetic declaration that everything he has warned about for the last 10 years is now all coming true and that only his audience has been divinely prepared to save America.
Earlier this year, Beck declared that, for ten years, God had been preparing his audience to save America by electing Ted Cruz as president, but that obviously didn’t pan out. So now he is claiming that his audience has been prepared to reclaim America if Donald Trump is elected president and becomes a strongman and a dictator.
Beck doesn’t want to have to issue these sorts of warnings, he said, but he has been commanded by God to do so or will otherwise bear the responsibility for the death of millions.
“I can only do what I’m supposed to do, what I feel the Lord has commanded me to do and that is tell the truth,” Beck said. “He has commanded me to do my own homework. He has commanded me to never compromise on what you truly believe … As I started to say in 2004, privately at least, there is a warning in Ezekiel that in those days there will be a watchman on the tower and at the gates. That means all of us, in our own way, are watchmen on the gates, in your own life. And if you see trouble coming, you are supposed to warn the people and, if you don’t, the blood of everyone who could have heard the warning and could have done something, that blood is on your hands.”
“This audience is the only hope because you are the only audience that is truly been prepared for these things at this time,” he declared. “You will be our republic’s last line of defense. So what do I do? People are telling me, ‘At least just shut up.’ I can’t. I can’t. You condemn me if I continue to warn, but God condemns me if I fail to warn.”