As we have noted several times before, Glenn Beck believes himself to be “an oracle” who can see the future, and the way that he does this is by regularly making all sorts of vague predictions and then changing them as he goes along, all while insisting that he is terrible when it comes to knowing when any of the things he has predicted will actually happen.
Of course, this last caveat is just a convenient way to ensure that his endless stream of predictions remains open-ended and therefore can never be proven false because it is always possible that they simply haven’t come true yet. It’s a neat trick, especially since whenever Beck does put definite times on his predictions, he is inevitably proven wrong.
Keep all of that in mind as you watch Beck on Dana Loesch’s show last night warning that “an economic collapse of biblical proportions is coming to the West.”
Beck said that just as he was mocked for predicting that Europe would see a rise in nationalism, which is now being proven true, so too will the world see total economic and social chaos.
“What nobody is willing to say on television is an economic collapse of biblical proportions is coming to the West,” he stated. “Of biblical proportions.”
Beck then laid out some incoherent theory about how there is an effort underway to “trap money in the banks” so that governments can implement a “bail in” by confiscating “10 percent of everybody’s savings.”
“They’ve already done it in Cyprus,” he warned. “It didn’t go over well. They’re going to do it, not only in Europe, they will do it here.”
Of course, it was over three years ago when Beck first warned his audience to start hoarding cash because this sort of government confiscation was coming.
Obviously, it hasn’t happened.
Or maybe it just hasn’t happen … yet.
And therein lies the key to Beck’s self-proclaimed prophetic abilities.