Newt Gingrich appeared on Steve Deace’s radio program last evening to explain why Mitt Romney is going to win the election, which makes sense given Gingrich’s steller record of making accurate election predictions.
During the discussion, Gingrich said that another Obama administration would be a “nightmare” because an “arrogant” and “divisive” Obama wants to make sure that “the government which is currently failing in Hurricane Sandy” will be delivering your healthcare:
I think that this is the most important election of our lifetime. Period. I think that four more years of Obama will be a nightmare. I don’t expect him to change very much, I think that he’ll feel vindicated if he’s won. I mean, he’s already so arrogant that he talks about using votes as a form of revenge. He’s running a deliberately divisive campaign and I think that there’s no evidence that he’s learned anything.
The Left is opposed to teaching American history, is deeply offended by the idea of American exceptionalism, believes in dependency and food stamps, wants to centralize power in Washington. I remind people who are watching the mess in New York, and Staten Island, and New Jersey: the government which is currently failing in Hurricane Sandy is the government that Obama wants to deliver your healthcare. So I just think there are fundamentally antithetical views of reality.