In an appearance yesterday on “The Jim Bakker Show,” Curves gym founder and “Amerigeddon” producer Gary Heavin once again promoted debunked claims about the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, while at the same time insisting that he was just asking the question, a favorite rhetorical tactic of conspiracy theorists like Donald Trump.
Heavin said that he was inspired by God (and Donald Trump) to start speaking the truth about the terrorist attacks, but then went on to say that he was merely asking questions about the attacks.
“I’m just sayin,’” he said. “I’m just wanting to ask some questions.”
“Donald Trump is giving us permission to speak freely to ask these questions,” he added.
Heavin raised false claims including that no plane wreckage was found at the Pentagon and that Building 7 was brought down by a controlled demolition.
His new movie, “Amerigeddon,” discusses a future in which the U.S. government collaborates with the United Nations to launch a false flag attack on America, in the form of a nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack, in order to impose a dictatorial form of government.
In a previous edition of this post, we mistakenly referred to Gary Heavin as “Mark Heavin.” We regret the error.