Sometimes you just have to marvel at the cluelessness of some Religious Right leaders, like when Gary Cass of the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission declares that he is outraged that anyone would dare to attack an opponent’s faith:
Incumbent Florida Congressman, Alan Grayson, has stooped to a new low in his attempt to get reelected. He has taken aim at the faith of his opponent, Dan Webster, who is a Christian. Grayson’s ads quote Webster out of context and calls Webster “Taliban Dan Webster” … This overt attack on Dan Webster’s faith and is no less bigoted than any racist or anti-Semitic slur,” said Dr. Gary Cass of DefendChristians.Org … DefendChristians.Org is calling on the public to demand an apology and retraction by Grayson in order to send a warning that Christians will not allow themselves to be demonized by anyone, especially by those seeking public office.
Do I need to point out that Cass this his own organization ran a seven-part series entitled “7 Reasons Why Barack Obama is Not a Christian” and has done nothing but attack Obama’s faith since he took office.
In fact, it was just last week that Cass claimed that Obama’s “policies are so radically liberal … that it’s hard for me to take his faith claims seriously” and blasted him as more of a “limousine Marxist hypocrite” than a Christian.
Apparently, attacking an opponent’s faith is nothing more than a bigoted attempt to demonize them … which just so happens to be what exactly has Cass been doing for the last two years.