As we have noted before, Religious Right leaders – in particular, supporters of Newt Gingrich – are absolutely certain that the re-election of President Obama spells certain doom not only for America, but for all of Western Civilization.
Gingrich’s most vocal supporter, Jim Garlow, was a guest on “Wallbuilders Live” today where he discussed the rise of the so-called “Evangelical Left.” Garlow insisted that he didn’t even know what that term means because there is only one correct Biblical position on issues like abortion and marriage and those who do not hold such positions are simply violating Biblical truth.
As such, there are those who are right and there are those, on the Left, who are wrong and it is time for pastors to take a stand in their pulpits and preach this message to their congregations. Because if they don’t, Garlow warned, the next election, and all hope for America, will be lost:
We have about ten months left to save this nation. It’s not that the nation will cease to exist after November, it’s just that the die will have been cast in such a way that we will never, ever be able to reclaim that which we once had. Whether it be in the arena of reclaiming safety for the womb, the definition of marriage, or of the economic fact that we’re $15 trillion in the whole now and a $110 trillion in unfunded liabilities – this is a nation that will be decimated, it will be unsalvageable after November if we cannot get it turned. Even with the strongest leadership that we might be able to elect it is still going to be a very hard task because of how far down we have fallen both morally and economically as it relates to biblical understanding.