Fischer: Women Have ‘Far More Influence’ on the World by Staying Home and Raising Children

Last week, Bryan Fischer was making his case, yet again, that it is liberals who hate women … especially stay at home moms. This prompted Fischer to go off on a tangent and declare that women can have more influence staying home and raising the next generation of leader than she can by “going out in the world and making her mark out there”:

It’s not possible to overestimate that value that stay-at-home moms, what they contribute to society by investing their full energies in the children. Where does the next generation of leaders come from? It comes from moms, and dads, who are invested in the lives of their children. So a woman can have far more influence, far more significant impact on the world by giving herself wholly to growing her children up to be responsible, mature adults than she can by going out in the world and making her mark out there.

The implication here, of course, is that “the next generation of leaders” – and every generation of leaders, for that matter –  will be men since every woman should be at home raising children instead of “going out in the world and making her mark out there.”