Fischer: Gay Rights Groups Should Pay To Fund AIDS Research

Now that the outcry over Bryan Fischer’s “feminization of the Medal of Honor,” I guess the time has come for him to generate the next round of attention-seeking controversy by calling for an end to federal funding for AIDS research because such research really ought to be paid for by gay rights groups who are encouraging people to engage in this deadly lifestyle: 

So if we’re looking to start trimming federal spending, here’s a way we can save the taxpayers a quick $26 billion. Since we know the cause of AIDS and the way to slow down the epidemic, if we spend any taxpayer funds at all it ought to be on education: don’t start engaging in homosexual behavior, and if you have started, stop.

Another possible source of funding: homosexual activist groups. Let’s not forget that American tobacco manufacturers were forced to cough up over $200 billion because they peddle a product that kills people.

Well, homosexual activist groups likewise are pushing a lifestyle that kills. If anybody should be obligated to pony up funds to mitigate a health crisis, it ought to be the organizations that are responsible for advocating the very behavior that created and perpetuates the epidemic.

Surely we will be accused of lacking compassion. But this is hardly the case. If you care about an individual, and you see that he is involved in a self-destructive pattern of behavior, the most loving thing you can to is appeal to him to start making better lifestyle choices. It is hardly compassionate to urge him to continue to engage in conduct that everybody in the world knows has a good chance of killing him in the end. That, in fact, is a form of cruelty.

You want to know who the true hate groups in America are, the ones who are sending the most hateful message to gays, there they are. Pro-family groups are trying to save the same people that the gay lobby is consigning to an early death.

The organizations that are showing the most obnoxious form of cold-heartedness are the homosexual activist groups that celebrate lethal behavior. That’s the worst possible message someone can send to his friends: I don’t love you enough to tell you the truth in order to save your life. Where is an ounce of compassion in that?