Farah: Evolution and Environmentalism to blame for Increase in Suicide Rate

WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah cites a new study which found that “suicide has overtaken traffic accidents as the leading cause of injury deaths in the U.S.” and blames it on the fact that public schools teach evolution, environmental science and comprehensive sex-education.

He argued that the suicide rate has increased as a result of schools teaching children “promiscuous sex,” “that human beings are merely the result of billions of years of evolution” and that the earth “would be better off without us.”

Farah also seems to imply that it is no coincidence that the rise in the suicide rate occurred in Obama’s first year in office. However, the study noted that “the suicide rate rose 15 percent over the past decade,” well before Obama took office.

Guns don’t kill people. People kill themselves.

That’s the story from the American Journal of Public Health, which reports that since Barack Obama was sworn in as president in 2009, the leading cause of death in America has been suicide.

I believe the trend reflects a deep and growing spiritual emptiness in a culture that is more depraved and sinful than at any time in its history.

Too many people just don’t find any meaning in life.

Think about it.

We are told from the youngest age in state-run schools that human beings are merely the result of billions of years of evolution from lower life forms and random mutations. There is no Creator God who loves us and to whom we are accountable. There are no laws higher than those government imposes on us – no sin, no ultimate, objective moral code. In fact, human beings are a blight on the planet. It would be better off without us – or at least with a lot fewer of us polluting the air with carbon dioxide and overheating the Earth.

Do I have that about right?

Furthermore, in those same government schools, prayer and Bible reading are prohibited, but explicit instructions on how to have promiscuous sex without consequences is mandated.

Abortion is subsidized, while adoption is prohibitively expensive – in the unlikely event you can find a child to adopt.

Increasingly, the state is sticking its nose into what we eat, what we say, how we raise our children – even our thoughts.

Government is fine with pornography. But purity and abstinence are discouraged.

In other words, right is wrong, up is down, black is white and left is right.

And we sit here and wonder why people are killing themselves.