E.W. Jackson: Gay People Are ‘Turning the Church Into a Hunting Ground for Predators’

Right-wing pastor and Religious Right activist E.W. Jackson appeared on the “Light of the Southwest” program last weekend, where he warned that Christian churches are allowing gay people to perform services, which is “turning the church into a hunting ground for predators.”

“Churches [are] letting homosexuals in there to perform because it puts—excuse me—butts in the seats so they can make money,” fumed host Amy Cooper. “And these guys who are coming in are molesting the kids.”

Jackson agreed, noting that when he was growing up, his father forbade him from attending a local church after it “hired a man who he knew to be a homosexual.”

“There are predators out there,” Jackson said. “And they are in the church. In fact, they are being brought into the church in some cases because they are talented or they are gifted and their sexuality is being completely ignored and they are turning the church into a hunting ground for predators.”