CWA: If Sandra Fluke Just Spent Less on Beer, She Could Afford Her Own Birth Control

Concerned Women for America’s president Penny Nance recently sat down with CWA to discuss the different ways in which the Republican and Democrats are trying to appeal to women in their respective conventions and messages.

While the GOP was working to highlight pro-life women leaders, Nance said, the Democrats were trying to appeal to women like Sandra Fluke by handing out free birth control … women who, if they just spent less money on beer, could afford their own birth control:

The question before us now is how are the Democrats going to handle that issue, how are they going to appeal to women? Is it going to be the Sandra Fluke sort of message that women are only interested in free birth control or free stuff at that. The question is what message works and it is a message of victim-hood, that you need free stuff from the government to be able to be productive in society?

Is this just about the idea that really all it takes to win a woman’s vote is free birth control which, by the way, we know that WalMart offers it for $9 a month. I often think I’d like to say to Sandra Fluke that if you’d just had less beer in college, I think you probably could afford the birth control you wanted.