Christopher McDonald: ‘God Is Using President Trump to Liberate This Country From Spiritual Slavery’

Right-wing commentator Christopher McDonald streamed a video on Periscope yesterday in which he grew increasingly emotional as he discussed what he believes is God’s plan to use President Trump to deliver this nation from “spiritual slavery.”

“This nation is in trouble,” McDonald wept. “It’s in spiritual trouble. When you have a governor in New York sign a bill into law killing babies up to the ninth month, we’re in trouble. When you have a sitting congresswoman in Congress that blasphemes God when she does it, when she tells the world that it’s OK that these three individuals that just got arrested in Michigan this week and they’re ISIS sympathizers and she comes out and she says, ‘Well, we need to have sympathy for these men, we need to have mercy for these men because they’re misunderstood.’ It’s blasphemy! It’s blasphemy! It’s blasphemy!”

McDonald is presumably referencing a letter that Rep. Ilhan Omar signed back in 2015 when she was a state representatives in Minnesota, asking a judge to show leniency to several men who had been convicted of attempting to join ISIS, which argued that imposing harsh penalties on them could radicalize others and “create an environment in which extremism can flourish.” McDonald apparently confused that letter with a recent arrest of three men in Michigan for allegedly conspiring to support ISIS.

“Everything godly, everything conservative, everything that is right with God, everything that is lined up with the word of God, everything that is lined up with the scriptures is rebuked today and it is blasphemed by the left and it is blasphemed by God-haters, it’s blasphemed by those who don’t know God,” he continued. “Their argument is not with me and you, their argument is against God.”

McDonald declared that just as God ordained Abraham Lincoln “to liberate this nation from slavery,” he has likewise “ordained Donald Trump” to “liberate this country from spiritual slavery.”