Charisma: Social Services Should Take Away Krystal Ball’s Daughter

GOP strategist Raynard Jackson has a new anti-gay column in Charisma today that calls on social services to take MSNBC host Krystal Ball’s daughter away from her for “indoctrinat[ing] her daughter about homosexual marriage.”

“Social services should remove Ella from this house because her mother is without question an unfit parent,” Jackson writes. “What Ball did to her daughter may not be child abuse legally, but morally it is definitely abuse, and I am amazed that even liberals of goodwill have not criticized her for such abuse.”

He claims that progressives want to “take another person’s child and brainwash them into believing that homosexual marriage is OK” and “brainwash innocent children to perpetuate their radical liberalism.”

“Is it OK for Ball’s 5-year-old to begin experimenting with kissing boys and girls or touching her classmates in intimate places?” he asks.

After calling for the government to take Ball’s daughter away, Jackson wrote: “This is why we need to keep the government out of our lives to the greatest extent possible.”

Lately, I have been stressing the importance of preserving the sanctity of the traditional family—mother, father and children. There is not one example throughout the history of the world of a society prospering without an intact family unit. Susie can’t have two moms, nor can Jimmy have two dads.

So, let me give you a real-world example of liberalism gone amuck. What I saw on MSNBC recently sent chills down my spine—a parent abusing their own child on national TV to promote an insidious political agenda, which is totally disgusting. You must see this video.

Krystal Ball, another MSNBC talk show host and feminist, aired a video of her and her 5-year-old daughter, Ella. Ball asks Ella if she knows what marriage is, and she says she does not. Then the daughter says marriage is between a man and a woman. That’s when her mother begins to indoctrinate her daughter about homosexual marriage. I was mortified that a parent would do this to her own daughter—on national TV. Social services should remove Ella from this house because her mother is without question an unfit parent.

So, this is the type of world that Melissa Perry wants to create, one where someone like Ball could take another person’s child and brainwash them into believing that homosexual marriage is OK. What parent has this type of conversation with a 5-year-old? Is this what Perry means when she says, “Kids belong to whole communities”? They know they cannot win the argument with logic, so they must brainwash innocent children to perpetuate their radical liberalism. This is why we need to keep the government out of our lives to the greatest extent possible.

What Ball did to her daughter may not be child abuse legally, but morally it is definitely abuse, and I am amazed that even liberals of goodwill have not criticized her for such abuse.

I challenge Perry to describe to the American people what her world looks like if our kids belong to whole communities. Is she OK with me teaching her 14-year-old daughter, Parker, that homosexuality is wrong? Whose values should be taught to these kids? Is it OK for Ball’s 5-year-old to begin experimenting with kissing boys and girls or touching her classmates in intimate places? I see what the problem is. You are having an adult conversation with a 5-year-old, so she may as well enjoy the fruits of being an adult. Why else would you be having this conversation with her?