Glenn Beck fancies himself something of a prophet tasked with the responsibility to constantly warn of impending chaos and collapse, claiming that he is right nearly 80 percent of the time and that he never gets the “big things” wrong because he has an amazing ability to see two years into the future.
The actual record, of course, shows otherwise, as Beck is generally wrong time and time and time again, which might explain why he is now insisting that he is merely called by God to warn about what could happen, not what will happen.
“I’m a catastrophist. You know that if you’ve ever listened to this program,” Beck said on his radio show today. “I look at the worst possible scenario and I do it through the lens of history. I can make great points and I could beat you in a debate, if it’s an honest debate based on the facts of history, that it could happen, not that it is.”
“My job is to warn and ring warning bells based on what I believe and what I see and what I know from history and what I know from doing my own research on today’s events,” he said. “That’s my job. That’s my job.”
Obviously, literally everyone is capable of issuing dire warnings about what could happen in the future, so that is not a particularly unique or useful skill. Frankly, we expect a little more from someone like Beck, who claims to have been called by God to serve as a watchman for this nation.