Bryan Fischer’s Two Rules For Saving America

During his radio program yesterday,  Bryan Fischer was adding his voice to the chorus of Right Wing outrage over President Obama’s support for marriage equality, and doing so in typical Bryan Fischer manner:  by accusing Obama of lying when he said his decision was prompted, at least in part, by “members of my own staff who are in incredibly committed monogamous relationships” because, as Fischer claims, “homosexual monogamy is a myth.”

And so Fischer dedicated an entire segment of his program to attacking the idea that gay couples can and do establish monogamous relationships.  But since that is something Fischer has been saying for years, it wasn’t really worth posting. 

But that rant prompted Fischer to eventually set forth two simple “abiding truths” for our public policy and culture that he knows will solve a lot of our problems if embraced and acted upon: 1) homosexuality is not a benign alternative to heterosexuality and 2) Islam is not a benign alternative to Christianity: