Bryan Fischer’s $600 Trillion Health Care Solution

For a few fleeting moments on his radio program today, Bryan Fischer and a caller were convinced that they had come up with a simple solution to the nation’s health care concerns that didn’t require Obamacare or any other convoluted government intervention, suggesting instead that the government should just give every American $2 million in cash to cover their lifetime medical expenses.

The caller pointed out that everyone in his family had insurance coverage for $1 million in medical expenses and wondered why the government didn’t just give everyone $1.5 to $2 million a piece to cover their expenses instead of spending more than half a billion dollars on a website that doesn’t work. 

The claim wasn’t true, of course, but Fischer seized upon the idea and repeatedly called it “brilliant,” saying that doing so would only cost the government around $600 million dollars, which is less than the website alone supposedly cost.

Of course, there are more than 300 million Americans in this country, so giving each one of them $2 million wouldn’t cost $600 million dollars, as Fischer initially calculated, but rather six hundred trillion dollars ($600,000,000,000,000).

Slowly, the reality of this “brilliant” plan dawned on Fischer as he tried to do the calculations, forcing him to abandon the idea once he realized that he was off by a few trillion dollars: