Fresh from telling his radio audience that they cannot vote for Hillary Clinton because “women should not be entrusted with high political office,” Bryan Fischer declared yesterday that Clinton cannot be allowed to become president because she is driven by the “spirit of the Antichrist.”
Just like President Obama, Fischer explained, Clinton is “an enemy of religious liberty” who is driven by a “profound anti-Christ impulse.”
“The same spirit that will one day animate the Antichrist is the same spirit that is at work in Hillary Clinton,” he said. “She opposes Christ, she opposes biblical Christianity, she’s hostile to it, she seeks to repress it, she seeks to punish it and she seeks to stifle it. That is the spirit of the Antichrist and it is at work in Hillary Clinton.”
“Ladies and gentlemen, hear me when I say this,” Fischer continued, “Hillary Clinton is motivated by the spirit of the Antichrist because she is against Christ, she is against Christianity, she is against the free exercise of the Christian faith, she doesn’t want the Christian faith to be a part of the public square, to influence public policy in any way, she is against everything that Christianity stands for. She is for same-sex marriage, she is for the promotion of homosexuality, she is against the sanctity of human life, she is against religious liberty … She is an opponent of all that is good and right and noble.”