On his radio program today, Bryan Fischer interviewed Mississippi state Sen. Chad McMahan about an upcoming vote on a bill that, according to the Human Rights Campaign, “would allow individuals, religious organizations and private associations to use religion to discriminate against LGBT Mississippians in some of the most important aspect of their lives, including at work, at schools, and more.”
After McMahan complained that many rallies had been held opposing the bill but no rallies had been organized to support it, Fischer went off on a long rant about how conservatives don’t have time to participate in political rallies because they are too busy being decent, hard-working Americans, whereas gays channel their undying hatred of God and Christians into non-stop political activism.
“Conservatives,” Fischer stated, “we’re busy working hard at our jobs, showing up to work on time, working late when we need to, then we want to spend time with our families, we want to take our kids to soccer practice, coach them in t-ball and Little League, we want to help them with their homework, we want to go to parent-teacher conferences, we want to be involved in our church so we go to home Bible studies or cell groups, we might be involved in the choir, we might want to be involved in a Sunday School class, and we would like to have a little recreational time for ourselves so we play a little bit of golf or we play a little church league softball or whatever. We just do not have the discretionary time to put into political rallies.”
Gays, on the other hand, Fischer said, have none of these sorts of obligations because they don’t have children or families, which then sent him off on a tangent about how allowing gays to adopt children is “a form of child abuse” and is therefore something that “no loving, caring, rational society” should ever allow.
“Homosexuals don’t have children, they don’t have families,” Fischer declared, which allows them time to channel their hatred for God into political activism.
“They’re motivated because they’re agitated,” he said. “They’re angry at the church. They’re angry at Christians. They’re angry at God … It’s easy to see why all the noise, why all the agitation out there is on behalf of those who are trying to kill this thing out of their hatred for Christ, their hatred for God and their hatred for the Scriptures. And I don’t hesitate to use that term. It’s vitriolic. You know, unless you’ve come up against this in some way directly, you have no idea how venomous the hatred, the bitterness, the anger is on the part of homosexual activists. They are driven people and they are driven by hate. You know, there’s a lot of hatred on this issue but virtually all of it is coming from the homosexual activist community directed at us and our values.”