Bryan Fischer Falsely Claims President Obama Blamed Charlie Hebdo Victims For Their Own Deaths

We don’t know what world Bryan Fischer is living in, but he seems to inhabit some parallel universe in which President Obama blamed the victims of the Charlie Hebdo massacre for their own deaths.

On his radio program today, Fischer was discussing allegations from the Florida Family Association that the FBI and the FAA had conspired a few months ago to censor their efforts to fly an banner around MetLife stadium accusing AIG of sponsoring jihad by advertising on Al Jazeera.

Somehow that sent Fischer off on a tangent in which he declared that because a White House spokesman once said that Charlie Hebdo had the “right” to publish a cartoon mocking Islam and Muhammad but that it might not be good “judgment,” President Obama was “essentially saying we think capital punishment is the appropriate punishment for blasphemy.”

“This is, in essence, President Obama’s words: ‘They really, in essence, have nobody to blame but themselves,'” Fischer ridiculously declared:

This is especially absurd considering that, just last week, Fischer himself literally suggested that the victims of the Charlie Hebdo attack brought it upon themselves since the massacre was God’s punishment for their blasphemy.

As we have noted several times before, Bryan Fischer is a lot of things, but self-aware is not one of them.