Beck: ‘We’re A Society That Has Literally Gone Insane’

Remember last month when Glenn Beck was so heavy-hearted over the state of the nation that he began citing the Book of Mormon as he solemnly warned his audience that the Last Days were rapidly approaching … but then he went to Washington, DC to speak at a Tea Party rally and God showed up and miraculously rejuvenated Beck who suddenly understood everything and eagerly declared “I’m back!”

Well, judging by his remarks last night, there is no joy in Beckville any more as he is back to declaring that “we’re at the Beginning of Days.”

And you know what set Beck off this time?  This video, posted on his The Blaze website, of a woman throwing a tantrum because her husband wouldn’t take her to the lake.

To Beck, this wasn’t just a video of some woman having a meltdown but was actually another road sign highlighting everything that is wrong with this country, prompting him to declare that God had given us “sacred ground” upon which to build the United States and “we have defiled it, we have debased it, we have broken the covenant” as we continue to refuse to turn to God, for which we will suffer the consequences.

“We’re a society that has literally gone insane,” Beck said, warning that if we do not turn back to God “humanity doesn’t survive”:

Tags: Glenn Beck