Beck: ‘Technology Is Authoritarian Porn’

Glenn Beck’s incessant fear of technology is well-established, as every technological advance is seen by Beck as one step further down the road toward our inevitable dystopian nightmare. And this terror about what developing technology might do to us in the future was the theme of last night’s monologue on Beck’s television program, where he warned that “technology is authoritarian porn.”

In particular, Beck was a bit alarmed by reports that the late Philip Seymour Hoffman would be digitally recreated in order to complete a key scene in The Hunger Games film he was working on when he died.

“There is no death,” Beck said. “Is it not a little disturbing?”

“The transition is happening at a rapid pace,” Beck warned, and doing so at a time when Americans are becoming dumber while the government is growing larger and more controlling.

“You, your children, and your grandchildren will be at their mercy,” Beck warned. “Wake up! Wake up!”:

Tags: Glenn Beck