Recently, David Barton appeared on a television program entitled “Fixing The Money Thing” with Gary and Drenda Keesee where he explained that America has struggled economically because it has not followed Jesus’ teachings about taxation and government regulation, asserting that it was only the industries that were government-regulated that failed and had to be bailed out through TARP and the Stimulus Package while “the free market did pretty good”:
UPDATE: Barton then inexplicably followed up this assertion by stating that “in 2008, before the TARP and bailout, one hundred percent of business in America were open and free and competitive” while only 35% are that way today … which completely undermines his earlier claim that it was the heavily regulated industries that needed a government bailout! If in 2008, 100% of business in America was free, then how is it possible that it was government regulation that caused them to fail?