Matt Barber appeared on Janet Mefferd’s radio program yesterday in order to discuss a recent article in Politico Magazine entitled “Evangelicals Are Changing Their Minds on Gay Marriage” which both he and Mefferd, of course, dismissed as nothing but pro-gay liberal propaganda.
During the course of the discussion, Mefferd asked Barber what he thinks about the fact that gay groups are being allowed to form at some Christian universities, with Barber replying that parents ought to think twice before allowing their kids to attend such a school because they’d certainly never let them attend a school that allowed “a pedophilia-affirming club or an incest-affirming club” to form on campus.
“I would just ask parents to do a test,” Barber said. “Replace LGBT or gay with any other sexual sin. If there’s an adultery-affirming club at your potential university where you’re sending your kids. Or a pedophilia-affirming club or an incest-affirming club. Well, homosexuality is among all of the sins, the sexual sins that are clearly itemized throughout Scripture in both the Old and New Testament. But for some reason, the propaganda has stuck and it’s this particular sexual sin that gets special treatment”: