Last week, the city council in Fayetteville, Arkansas passed a nondiscrimination ordinance that included protections for, among other things, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.
Needless to say, Matt Barber and Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel are furious about its passage and spent an entire radio program declaring that Fayetteville has now literally made it legal for any man to enter a women’s restroom or locker room at will while anyone who objects or tries to prevent a man from entering will be fined and criminally charged.
Staver announced that Liberty Counsel was working with local pastors to secure enough signatures to put the ordinance on the ballot in November in order to have it repealed, which Barber said was an absolute necessity because this ordinance is forcing city residents to engage in a “mass delusion under penalty of law.”
“This is the sexual anarchist movement’s attack on reality,” Barber said, “but, larger than that, attack on God’s design for human sexuality, for male, for female, trying to make everything gender neutral and create an androgynous society, running against reality that everybody knows to be true.”
“We have lost our minds as a nation”: