Barber: Christians Are Being Persecuted By An ‘Islamo-Progressive Axis Of Evil’

On today’s “Faith and Freedom” radio program, Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver and Matt Barber likened the supposed “persecution” of Christians in America to the attack in Kenya earlier this month in which Islamic terrorists killed 147 people, saying that Christians all over the world are under attack from the “Islamo-progressive axis of evil.”

Barber said that while those murdered in Kenya were victims of “hard persecution,” at the same time “right here in the United States, Christians at an escalating rate are experiencing a softer persecution, but it’s still anti-Christian persecution.”

Just as John the Baptist was beheaded for speaking out against “sexual immorality,” so too are Christians being persecuted in America today, Barber said.

“You have those who are pushing for sexual immorality and acceptance of sexual immorality and Islamists kind of both targeting Christians for persecution,” he said, “some with hard persecution, others with more of a soft persecution. We’re not being beheaded here in the United States yet but certainly advocates of sexual relativism are what I call the Islamo-progressive axis of evil.”

“So-called progressives, they have a common enemy,” Barber continued. “The common enemy is truth, is Christ, is Christians, is Christ followers”: