On today’s “Faith and Freedom” radio broadcast, Mat Staver and Matt Barber discussed the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, which they predictably blamed on President Obama and the separation of church and state.
Barber asserted that “the greatest solution for reconciliation is in the person of Jesus Christ,” declaring that America must experience a revival in which people turn “toward the founder of the universe and he who is responsible, I don’t care what anybody says, for the founding of this great nation.”
Staver, the head of Liberty Counsel, declared that there would have been unrest in Ferguson regardless of what the grand jury decided because of the lack of state-sponsored religion.
“When we start booting God out of the schools and we boot him out of our communities and we have the silly lawsuits by Freedom From Religion Foundation and others who just want to erase God from the public square,” Staver said, “there’s consequences when we operate in an environment that is godless.”
Barber then replied that the “lawlessness” in Ferguson was entirely predictable and largely the fault of President Obama.
“When we have a president himself who engages in lawlessness, he sets a precedent, he sets an example for others to follow,” Barber declared. “He himself has been ruling as an imperial ruler and so it really is frankly not that surprising to me that we would see these rabble-rousers en masse go and burn down these buildings and stuff in a lawless manner”: