Barack Obama Is The New Mao Zedong

Jerome Corsi and Sandy Rios got together once again yesterday to discuss how the left is destroying America, and the two agreed that President Obama is basically operating like Mao Zedong. Corsi alleged that the left “engineered” the breakdown of the family in order to grow the size of government and increase racial polarization: “This demonizing on race which Obama does, you know Obama is a race divider because it riles up his base, it’s Saul Alinsky.”

“Mao Zedong did that in China,” Rios added. Corsi argued that Obama is stoking racial and class divisions in order to concentrate power and ultimately “crush the middle class and get rid of the press.” “Which is what’s happening,” Rios replied.

Corsi concluded that the left started the NSA surveillance program in order to “crush opposition” and introduce fascism.