A Screaming And Grunting Alex Jones Can ‘Feel The Spirit Rising’

Alex Jones, the conspiracy theorist heading up Infowars, assured his listeners in a minutes-long screaming diatribe that he didn’t think they were stupid. He said that he could “feel the spirit rising” and that “the tide turned” so much that Infowars is breaking the backs of its enemies.

During today’s broadcast on Infowars, Jones said that he believed that Infowars viewers were intelligent, unlike liberals, who Jones said “think you’re a goldfish.”

“I don’t think you’re stupid. I’ve been betting on you my whole life. I believe in you,” Alex Jones screamed. “And we got Trump elected. And we got the economy coming back. And we’re kicking these traitors’ asses, politically, and we’re not backing down ever,” Jones said.

He screamed and snorted.

“I want to get these people,” he continued to scream. “We’re winning. I can feel the spirit rising, can’t you? The turning point was yesterday. I was sick all day, spiritually. I could feel the enemy launching with all its hate. But now, the tide turned today.”

Jones declared, “The tide turned on the 22nd day of May, 2018. We have broken their back. Yes! I can feel it.”

He grunted and yelled again.

“The enemy is still going to come after those of us that are hard-charging and leading the spiritual ignition of this rocket,” Jones said.

He yelled. He yelled again. And then, he asked viewers to share Infowars links online.