The American Family Association is not amused by the upcoming Adult Swim comedy “Black Jesus.”
The group’s One Million Moms arm is urging TBN to drop the show and advertisers to boycott it, writing in a petition that the show’s portrayal of “Jesus as a ‘black guy living in the hood’” and its “foul language” amount to “blasphemy”:
The late night programming on the Cartoon Network, known as Adult Swim, plans to air the non-animated show “Black Jesus” portraying Jesus as a “black guy living in the hood.” The show depicts him living in Compton Gardens and makes a mockery of our Lord. The foul language used in the trailer, including using the Lord’s name in vain, is disgusting. In addition, there is violence, gunfire and other inappropriate gestures which completely misrepresent Jesus. This is blasphemy!
1MM will defend our Savior because He is Holy! Adult Swim is obviously not a family network, and this program is set to air later in the evening when children should be asleep, but that is no excuse. Adult Swim has crossed the line by belittling the Christian religion with foul jokes.
We need to send a loud and clear message to Adult Swim, its owner Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. (a Time Warner Company), and all potential advertisers of “Black Jesus” that this kind of programming is insulting and completely unacceptable. Adult Swim is not ridiculing any other religion currently and wouldn’t dream of mocking Mohammed or Muslims.
If we speak with one voice now, we can keep this program from ever seeing the light of day. Christians must take a stand and not be silent. Networks like Adult Swim continue to mock Christianity, and we will not stand for it. Christians should no longer sit idly by and allow this blasphemy to continue without speaking up in protest. “Black Jesus” is anoher attempt to distort the truth about Christianity. There is power in numbers! Forward this to everyone you know in a fight to keep this show off the air.
Today, the larger AFA took up One Million Moms’ plea, sending an email to its members with the subject line, “Cartoon Network to air blasphemy.” It contains a link where members can send an email to TBS and Cartoon Network executives reading:
Dear President Levy and President Miller:
I am disappointed that TBS’ Cartoon Network and Adult Swim plans to air “Black Jesus.”
We are told in Hebrews that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Obviously, “Black Jesus’ makes a mockery of the Christian faith. It would be beneficial to all if TBS and Adult Swim showed a little more respect for Christians who believe the Bible.
I am joining others in asking you to cancel plans to air this show.
I know that American Family Association will keep us posted on which companies underwrite this program with advertising. I am prepared to contact them personally and urge them to pull all commercial support from the Cartoon Network.
Of course, it was just a few months ago that the AFA declared that a star’s suspension from a television program “deprived” him of his = “basic rights to freedom of religion and speech.”
The AFA’s email: