WND Warns of ‘Martial Law’ during Obama’s Second Term

After warning that conservatives will face “prosecution under civil-rights statutes” after Obama won re-election and preserved his “totalitarian infrastructure”, WorldNetDaily columnist Erik Rush now writes that Obama is planning on “fomenting widespread civil unrest” so he can “implement martial law or something resembling it.”

He accuses members of the “tyrannical” Obama administration of “treason” and says that they are using the incident in Benghazi to “scapegoat a few generals in order to protect Obama and his toadies from their crimes, while dramatically compromising the military, a key objective to wielding complete power. It sort of helps when you think of it in terms of how Marxists have subjugated governments in the past.”

But there are almost countless more innocuous examples that, in the aggregate, have served to desensitize us to the truly odious ones. As a result, there was ambiguity among American voters between electing a morally upright man as president, versus a sitting president whose administration practically flaunts its criminality. There is evidence of widespread fraud having taken place in the recent general election – but who is inclined to pursue this, now that the wolves are guarding the henhouse?

The Boy Scouts of America, who have developed moral refinement and honor among young men for more than 100 years, have been demonized because they do not embrace sexual deviance. Human life has become cheap, while a random insect or tree frog can cripple an entire industry and the livelihood of thousands. Those who observe millennia of Judeo-Christian moral doctrine rather than Marxist-imbued apostasy are becoming persona non grata. God Himself, by virtue of what He asks of his creation, has become “evil,” while that which His ancient Enemy promotes has become “virtue.” I could continue this list ad nauseum.

And everything bad is good again …

I’ve said for a long time, fomenting widespread civil unrest has been part of President Obama’s game plan from Day 1. This, I have asserted, he will do in order to implement martial law or something resembling it, at least initially. Once this has been done, like so many government constructions, it becomes an entanglement from which it is damnably difficult, if not impossible, to extricate ourselves.

Financial markets reacted negatively to the outcome of the election, as have thousands of employers now facing the specter of having to comply with Obamacare. Citizens across almost all 50 states have petitioned for secession. Certain malignant devices of the United Nations that will detrimentally impact Americans’ liberties are being eagerly considered by the Obama administration. This sort of thing, as well as the president’s stealth executive orders, can be expected to continue unabated.

Public concern with such pablum as randy middle-aged generals and desperate housewives, rather than what amounts to treason among members of the Executive Branch with regard to Benghazi-gate, makes it clear that this regime’s tactics are working. In fact, I’ll have to admit that the administration is playing this brilliantly: They scapegoat a few generals in order to protect Obama and his toadies from their crimes, while dramatically compromising the military, a key objective to wielding complete power.

It sort of helps when you think of it in terms of how Marxists have subjugated governments in the past.

What better way to coalesce the aforementioned complete power than by enacting so many oppressive policies within a short period of time, and amidst charges of misfeasance and fraud, that Americans who do have a sense of what America represents finally determine they’ve had enough? All the while, the press maintains the deception that Obama is just Joe President trying to do the right thing amidst radical factions reacting to circumstances brought about by George W. Bush in the first place. Thus, Obama’s actions, no matter how tyrannical, will be validated.