A Window Into Bryan Fischer’s Worldview

Watching Bryan Fischer’s radio program is often like taking a trip into Bizzaro World , as one watches Fischer concoct utterly nonsensical scenarios and then treat them as if they were actual items worthy of discussion when, in reality, all he is doing is providing a window into his oddly warped worldview.

For example, he spent several segments of today’s broadcast discussing the purchase of the Washington Post by Amazon.com founder Jeff Bezos during which he asserted that outlets such as the Post are losing readers and influence because they are not covering real, important news … like the fact that some bikers held a church service in a bar in Sturgis during Bike Week, which Fischer thinks ought to be “the number one story of the week, I don’t care who you are.”

Now, the fact that Fischer thinks that that story ought to be the lead item throughout the media is strange enough, but it is nothing compared to his belief that liberals are “scandalized” by the sale of the Post to Bezos because he sells things like Scooby Doo lunch boxes and Barbie Roll-On lip gloss on Amazon. 

Fischer literally spent two minutes bizarrely explaining that liberals think they are so much smarter and better than everyone else and so they are scandalized that someone who sells “plebeian” things like lunch boxes and lip gloss would be taking over one of the nation’s elite newspapers: