Wiles: Obama ‘Headed for a Bad Infestation of Parasites’ and Will Be ‘Filled Up with Worms’

End Times radio broadcaster Rick Wiles today hosted Marvin Rosenthal of Zion’s Voice Ministry, where he reiterated his case that President Obama is possessed by demons.

Rosenthal said he didn’t disagree with his assessment that Obama is “demon-possessed” and compared him to Nimrod, warning that Obama is trying to “bring America down” in order to “establish a one world government and a one world religion.” Meanwhile, Wiles thought that Obama may be the next Hitler, Stalin or Mao.

Wiles: Do you think that the current president, Mr. Barack Obama, is a pro-Islamic president?

Rosenthal: Unfortunately I do. I guess I would take it farther than that. I am convinced from his childhood, where he was born, the family he was raised in, the mentors that he has had all the way on from childhood to the present have been preparing him for this day. If you want to talk about a man who was totally unqualified to become President of the United States, it is our present president. He had no credentials. It’s almost like having a guy perform heart surgery who never fixed a Band-Aid to a finger. He had no qualifications to be president and then to be re-elected.

I will tell you without fear of being found wrong, he is clearly under spiritual influence, not in the demise of this country but to diminish this country because he is pushing toward a one world government and a one world religion, which is exactly what Nimrod was doing back in the early chapters of Genesis. To establish a one world government and a one world religion he has to bring America down or we would never cooperate in a one world government, that is what his agenda really is and he’s moving it rapidly.

Wiles: I think he’s demon-possessed.

Rosenthal: I would not find fault with that. I said he’s being influenced, under the control of—so if you say demon-possession I’m not saying I disagree.

Wiles: He’s very frightening to me. I see him potentially as potentially the next in line after the long line of madmen from Stalin to Hitler, Mao Zedong; I think that is in him, that capacity to become a madman. He’s being restrained, I don’t know if he’ll ever be totally cut loose to do what is in his heart but I really believe he has the potential to be a madman who could bring great havoc in the world if he is allowed to carry out everything that he wants to do.

Later in the program, Rosenthal said that Obama—like Hitler—has a “Satanic” power over people that leaves them “spellbound.”

Wiles likened Obama to King Herod, whom in Acts of the Apostles was eaten by worms after he allowed people chant that he has “the voice of a god, and not of a mortal!”

“I’ve tried to warn him, Mr. Obama, letting your people deify you is going to get you in a lot of trouble,” Wiles maintained. “The last person that did that in the Bible got filled up with worms when he would not stop the people from deifying him. I think the guy is headed for a bad infestation of parasites.”

Rosenthal: While I’m not saying, I want to make sure I’m clear, that he’s another Hitler, one of the things I would say is Adolf Hitler had the capacity to speak to multitudes of people and almost mesmerize them. I am seeing the same ability with our present president, he speaks to large portions of America and sometimes quite frankly I think when God was giving our brains some of them will say they thought it was trains and said I don’t want any because he mesmerizes great multitudes of America.

It’s almost to me, because he’s not that profound, he is not in my opinion that great a communicator although many people think it is, I think there is some kind of spiritual capability that is involved when he speaks to the multitudes and they listen spellbound. What amazes me is men from Harvard and Yale and Princeton, some of the leaders in the secular news media who are brilliant men and I know they are liberal and leftists but he goes way beyond that and they’re enamored by this guy, it’s almost like there are blindfolds over they eyes as to where he’s leading us, far beyond what most of them would like.

Wiles: And they openly deify him.

Rosenthal: Yes they do. It’s amazing and I think it is Satanic.

Wiles: I do too. Mr. Obama never rebukes them for it. I’ve tried to warn him, Mr. Obama, letting your people deify you is going to get you in a lot of trouble. The last person that did that in the Bible got filled up with worms when he would not stop the people from deifying him. I think the guy is headed for a bad infestation of parasites.

Tags: Rick Wiles