Ted Nugent: ‘Liberalism Is A Hateful, Soulless Curse, Destined To Destroy Everything In Its Vulgar Path’

What’s eating at Ted Nugent today? Everything about America, it seems.

Nugent writes today in WorldNetDaily that he doesn’t understand why Americans are “insanely falling for” the “embarrassing Barack Obama suicidal death wish of fundamental transformation running amok.”

“Liberals are scam artists, and the greatest scam artist ever is Barack Obama,” Nugent writes. “If we stay on this insane course to self-destruction (fundamental transformation), America will indeed go the way of soulless collectivism, and the American Dream will become the American nightmare.”

While Americans have been “brainwashed” into “slavery,” only Nugent knows the truth that “liberalism is a hateful, soulless curse, destined to destroy everything in its vulgar path.”

With the embarrassing Barack Obama suicidal death wish of fundamental transformation running amok, all that made America the last best place back then has now been turned upside-down, and tragically, we the people have become in far too many instances we the sheeple, abandoning individual exceptionalism and Herculean work ethic, and now insanely falling for the pathetic Euro scam of taking from the earners instead of the pride of earning it yourself. Tragic and virtually unacceptable.

Liberals are scam artists, and the greatest scam artist ever is Barack Obama.

If we stay on this insane course to self-destruction (fundamental transformation), America will indeed go the way of soulless collectivism, and the American Dream will become the American nightmare.

I raise all the hell I possibly can to wake up the sheeple, and in the process, I am attacked viciously by the Saul Alinsky hate mongers that infest the left. Of this I am extremely proud. I proudly take flak because I am constantly over the target.

Liberalism is a hateful, soulless curse, destined to destroy everything in its vulgar path. Once you brainwash and bribe the sheeple, the sheeple with vote for their big daddy providers, hence becoming slaves to the whims of others.

We are on the cusp, America. On one side is independence and the America that shines – on the other, slavery. The soul of America hangs in the balance. Those who know, are you raising enough hell?

Tags: Ted Nugent