Staver: Contraception Mandate Just Like Nazi Gas Chambers

The topic of today’s “Faith and Freedom” radio program was the lawsuit filed by the Little Sisters of the Poor against Obamacare’s contraception accommodation for non-profit religious organizations, which Matt Barber and Mat Staver once again compared to Nazi Germany.

Under the accommodation, non-profit religious organizations that object to providing contraceptive coverage for employees simply have to file a letter noting their objections and then they “will not have to contract, arrange, pay for or refer contraceptive coverage to which they object on religious grounds” as such contraception coverage will then be provided separately by the insurance provider.

That compromise, to Barber and Staver, is nothing short of pure evil and no different than the Nazis forcing people to gas the Jews.

“If you are being forced to pay for the gas in the chamber that is injected into that chamber to kill a Jew, that’s one thing.” Staver said. “On the other hand, if you are required to say ‘you go right, you go left,’ the ones that go to the left, they go to the gas chamber, you don’t have to pay for that, but you have to make the decision to do it, it’s the same thing. Whether I have to exchange a dollar or ten dollars or a thousand dollars to facilitate the death of a human being or whether I have to say ‘I can’t do it, I can’t pull the trigger so therefore don’t make me pull the trigger,’ consequently since I’ve objected now a third party has to pull the trigger. There’s no difference.”

Barber agreed, saying that those who object “are still being forced to be complicit in that abortion homicide,” which is exactly what President Obama wants because he “in large part, lives his life to enable people to kill others.”

“This is good versus evil,” Barber said, “and there’s little question who’s on the side of good here and who’s on the side of evil”: