Staver Awarded By Peruvian Government For Helping To Fight Obama’s Godless Colonialism

We have written a lot in recent months about the efforts by the Religious Right to export their homophobia and help other nations institute draconian anti-gay policies that these activists have been unable to implement here in the United States.

So it was with great interest that we listened to today’s “Faith and Freedom” radio program as Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver revealed that he had recently returned from Peru where he had been invited to help the government fight President Obama’s colonialist effort to force an anti-God agenda upon the nation.

As Staver explained, he was invited down by a member of the Peruvian Congress and given a red carpet treatment, meeting with several high-ranking government officials and even awarded a Congressional Medal of Honor:

I recently returned from Peru and it was quite an eye opening experience. I was invited there and I had an opportunity to speak to Congress and also the head of the attorneys and the head of the judiciary and the head of all the educational accrediting body as well.

And one of the things that they are concerned with is that America is trying to undermine that Judeo–Christian foundation, particularly the Obama administration is funding through the State Department and other ways pro-abortion initiatives, pro-LGBT initiatives, lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, etcetera, and same-sex marriage initiatives.

So consequently when we came, they looked to us for somebody who could help them and they knew everything about what we were about. They knew about cases that Liberty Counsel was involved with, they knew about my involvement in education and they knew about all these different areas. So when I spoke to Congress, I was supposed to be there at ten o’clock in the morning on a Thursday and I was there in a room and I looked out through the chamber, which was the Senate chamber, and we had to delay the meeting until about 10:30 because it was packed and people were standing in the aisles and standing in other places. They had put in an extra row of seats and there was at least a hundred people, attorneys from around Peru, that could not get in, they were standing out in the aisle and they could not get into this event.

Sitting in the very front row was a general in the Peruvian Navy, he had all of his regalia on. Next to him was another high-ranking member of the military, Navy Seals, members of Congress, judges, the number one person over all of the attorneys in Peru was sitting at a table with me, he co-sponsored this event. And there’s educators, there’s teachers, there’s young people.

And my message was about worldview and two different worldviews, one with God and one without God and how it makes a difference in law and policy. And then I took it down to specifics such as abortion and marriage and that these are part of God’s natural created order, that there’s a sanctity of human life because we are created in God’s image and marriage is part of God’s natural created order and it is part of the very first form of government and that we must protect those and I encouraged the Peruvians to stand strong.

So after that, we got an ovation, a standing ovation there, and  to my amazement then, the next part of the ceremony was they awarded me a Congressional Medal of Honor.

They were very appreciate to us that we were there to help them in any way so that they could maintain that Judeo-Christian foundation. What we see is an imperialist America, a colonialist America under this Obama administration exporting anti-God, anti-values to these countries in Latin America and around the world.

UPDATE: Here is video of Staver speaking in Peru and a screencap of him receiving the medal: