Scott Lively: Only ‘Pitchforks And Torches’ Can Stop Gay Marriage

Anti-LGBT pundit Scott Lively argues in a column today that the only way to stop the legalization of gay marriage is to form an “angry mob” that will take to “the streets, pitchforks and torches held aloft, ready to tear down Frankenstein’s castle with their bare hands if need be.”

“The only way to deter the elites is with the threat of the mob,” Lively writes in a piece posted in the right-wing outlets BarbWire and WorldNetDaily. “They need to see the pitchforks and torches to know they’ve gone too far and need to back down. That’s where we are today in America. The elites want to eliminate the natural family to create a better class of serfs: state-bred children for the factories and the battlefield — easier to control, dulled by drugs and sexual promiscuity … and bread and circuses.”

Calling for liberals and conservatives to unite behind opposition to gay rights, he warns that marriage equality is akin to GMO foods or medication that is “destroying bodies” with “poisonous ‘remedies.’”

The battle today is for marriage, the core of the natural family. Every human being on this planet will be harmed if the elites are allowed to destroy it by mutation. It is no different than Monsanto destroying natural foods or seeds by mutating their DNA, or Big Pharma destroying bodies by flooding the health industry with artificial, often poisonous “remedies.” Our common paradigm in the grassroots for guiding society should be natural vs artificial across the board, including natural marriage and family: rejecting the counterfeit alternatives to the self-evident design of our ecology — and our physiology.

The natural family is the ecosystem of humanity! It must be preserved at all costs.

How? By a populist uprising! The elites need to see the angry mob — liberals and conservatives together — surging through the streets, pitchforks and torches held aloft, ready to tear down Frankenstein’s castle with their bare hands if need be. For Christians it’s Jesus and the money-changers time! Making a whip of cords like He did with His own hands, and letting these arrogant puppet masters know we mean to use it (metaphorically speaking).

The only way to deter the elites is with the threat of the mob. They need to see the pitchforks and torches to know they’ve gone too far and need to back down.

That’s where we are today in America. The elites want to eliminate the natural family to create a better class of serfs: state-bred children for the factories and the battlefield — easier to control, dulled by drugs and sexual promiscuity … and bread and circuses.